Common Names:- Spiny cocklebur
Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Xanthium (Gr) A name used by the Greek physician and botanist
Dioscorides for Cocklebur, from which a yellow hair dye was made.
Spinosum (L) Spiny, with spines.
1) 15-100 cm, much branched, with 1-2 stout, 3-fid, yellow spines in the leaf-
axils, the spines rarely more or less connate at the base or replaced by leaf
1) Sessile or shortly petiolate.
2) Lamina entire or 3- to 5-fid, dark green above, white- or grey-tomentose beneath.
1) Male capitula in terminal inflorescences, the female axillary.
2) Involucre 10-12 x 6-8 mm in fruit, covered with slender spines.
1) Fruit-heads 8-12 mm, covered with dense, hooked spines.
Key features:-
1) Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, white- or grey-tomentose beneath, with
1-2, 3-fid, yellow spines at base (rarely replaced by small leaves).
2) Fruit-heads 8-12 mm, covered with dense, hooked spines.
Habitat:- Coastal habitats, wasteground, field margins, (nitrophilous). 0-600 m.
Distribution:- Widespread across the Mediterranean. Limited distribution and
occurrence on Crete. Introduced
Flowering time:- July-Oct
Photos by:- Steve Lenton